Your avocado experts and farming partners.

We supply the best Hass Avocados in Kenya. We provide diverse farming related services including soil testing, dam liner installation, supply of seedlings among other serices.

David portrait

I harvested low tomato yields until the Upturn Farming team tested and corrected my soil. I have made soil testing a culture before I plant any crop.

David Kihara, Farmer
Grow more with less by testing your soil.
We conduct soil health tests for your farm and give you the proper recommendations on the amount and cost of fertiliser, manure, and other soil correction materials to use. Tests include:
  1. Check circle Basic soil test
  2. Check circle Comprehensive soil test
  3. Check circle Carbon in soil
  4. Check circle Heavy metals in soil
  5. Check circle Other test
Your farm should not be rainfall-dependent.
Relying on rain-fed farming will constrain your production. We will help you implement climate-smart water harvesting technologies so that you can produce crops all year long. We do:
  1. Check circle Water pans installation
  2. Check circle Drip-kits installation
  3. Check circle Irrigation systems
  4. Check circle Dam and boreholes
  5. Check circle Other water harvesting systems
Eliminate guesswork, farm with confidence.
We help you plan your farming to utilise limited resources efficiently while maximising the yield. Planning is vital whether you are a veteran farmer or new to farming. We work with you to:
  1. Check circle Develop farm plan
  2. Check circle Create specific enterprise guide
  3. Check circle Develop farm records templates
  4. Check circle Implement the plans
Joseph portrait

With the growing number of products and tools available for organic farming, we are helping more and more farmers migrate to the sustainable alternative of crop production.

Joseph Karani, Agronomist, HIRDA Somalia
Get quality, reliable farm inputs.
Whether you are practicing organic or conventional agriculture, we have a product for every step of crop production. We source and deliver products to your doorstep. Our products include.
  1. Check circle Seeds and seedlings
  2. Check circle Organic and blended fertilisers
  3. Check circle Crop protection products
  4. Check circle Farm tools, equipment and machinery
We are your partner in crop production.
We understand the frustration of experiencing a challenge on your farm and having no professional to assist you. We will work with you to ensure optimal production through the following:
  1. Check circle Proper crop management practices
  2. Check circle Pest and diseases identification
  3. Check circle Integrated Pest Management
  4. Check circle Organic farming practices
  5. Check circle Pre and post harvesting practices
Helping you market your produce.
We support you in producing high-quality yields and also assist you in selling the product locally or internationally. We achieve that through the following:
  1. Check circle Contract farming
  2. Check circle Market linkages
  3. Check circle Crop insurance
  4. Check circle Value addition
  5. Check circle Local and export markets
Njogu Amos portrait

We are the listening ear that the farmer has been expecting. Knowing that the farmer can count on us at every step of crop production makes our services worthwhile.

Amos Njogu, Co-Founder, Upturn Farming
We will support your livestock production.
Crop production and animal husbandry go hand-in-hand. Bees are required for pollination, cows and goats produce manure for farming, while other animals and birds are a source of food. We support:
  1. Check circle Dairy and beef farming
  2. Check circle Poultry farming
  3. Check circle Fish farming (Aquaculture)
  4. Check circle Bee keeping (Apiculture)
  5. Check circle Pig farming

Ready to work with us? Let us have a conversation.

We understand the frustration of experiencing a challenge on your farm and having no professional to assist you.